Dawn who lives in Cobholm recently became a producer with Freshly Greated. Here she shares something special with us…
“I wanted to be a part of the project as I am passionate about bringing the community of Cobholm together and we have some wonderful upcoming projects!
I decided to write a poem about Rebecca, Hannah, Sam and what we have been up to since we first met, hope you enjoy it!
Dawn xx”
Let me introduce to you our Freshly Greated crew –
There is Rebecca, Hannah and Sam to name but just a few.
Their ideas plans and commitments landed at our door,
creative work and great ideas gave our community a chance to explore.
From sea shanty songs mosaic designs to drawing that’s such fun,
The producers offers challenges all that can be done
Lots of people got involved with colouring a brand new sign –
good community spirit including yours and mine.
Reds blues greens and browns were used with great delight
Bright bold colours we said so it can be seen at night
Lots of ideas come to and fro at the dreaded meetings of zoom
I only say its dreaded as 2 of us struggle to get inside the room!
But once in there the ideas come and we all enjoy the banter –
Dawn Chelsea n Tina with cans of Pepsi max and Hank with his full red wine decanter.
Upcoming projects are exciting to hear and we can’t wait to make a start,
lots of things to taste and make with our community taking part.
So thank you guys for coming into our lives and producing a great team,
in the hope the community and its centre can now fulfil its dreams.